介紹:The ChemBioOffice software suite combines ChemBioDraw, ChemBio3D, ChemFinder, BioViz, BioAssay, Inventory and E-Notebook in the world’s premier desktop suite designed for both chemists and biologists.
This ultimate chemistry & biology suite is designed to meet the needs of both chemists and biologists. ChemBioOffice 2010 includes ChemBioDraw Ultra 12.0, MNova Std/Lite, Chemscript Pro 12.0, ChemBio3D Ultra 12.0, ChemBio3D interfaces to SchrU+00F6dinger’s Jaguar and Gaussian, GAMESS Pro 12.0, MOPAC 2009, ChemBioFinder Ultra 12.0, with support for Oracle, ChemBioViz Pro 12.0, STATISTICA Base, BioAssay Ultra 12.0, Inventory Ultra 12.0, E-Notebook Ultra 12.0, ChemDraw/Excel, and CombiChem/Excel, the ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins & Controls, as well as a collection of databases: 1-year subscriptions to ChemINDEX (Index, RXN, NCI & AIDS), ChemACX and ePub.
ChemBioOffice Ultra 2010 adds the BioAssay and Inventory applications, ChemBioViz, ChemBioFinder support for the CS Oracle Cartridge, and a 1-year subscription to ChemACX to the ChemOffice Ultra 2010 suite.